With Apologies and Brushstrokes, 'Just How Sorry Can You Get?' towel apology detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, installation detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, installation detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, installation detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, installation detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, 'Spattering...Prompts MTV Apology' towel apology detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, 'Dr. Laura Sorry for poorly chosen words' towel apology detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, 'Forgive Me' towel apology detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, 'I'm Sorry, So Sorry, Really I Am' towel apology detail, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes, exhibition invitation, collaborative installation with Garry Kennedy, The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, 2001.
With Apologies and Brushstrokes
With Apologies and Brushstrokes was acollaborative installation with Garry Kennedy exhibited at The Bathroom Gallery, Halifax, July 13th - August 5th, 2001.