WE ARE SORRY Winnipeg (2010)
WE ARE SORRY (2010) is an installation made up of two panels with edited excerpts from the 2008 landmark apologies to Indigenous peoples made by Prime Ministers Stephen Harper (Canada) and Kevin Rudd (Australia), along with two prints of their mouths at the time of these apologies.
This work commemorates the public apologies these heads of state made to Indian Residential School survivors in Canada and members of the "Stolen Generations" in Australia. By presenting edited versions of their words at a scale that competes with large outdoor advertisements, and in colours that match the tone of the men's skin, this work calls for accountability and follow through from their governments after these public acknowledgements of their wrong doings.
Presented by invitation from The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, this installation in Winnipeg followed WE ARE SORRY's debut in Melbourne in 2009 as part of the Laneway Commissions and was accompanied by a publication, WE ARE SORRY (#10 Artists & Activists series, Printed Matter, New York).